Monday, January 18, 2010

Introduction to Me

Aside from the angsty, pointless rambling I used to post on my live journal account in high school for my friends to see, I have never actively kept up with a blog or journal of any kind. I enjoy being me, however, I don't necessarily feel that my life's events are important or interesting enough to share with the world. That being said, I have decided to post this introduction to me because, although everything I previously said still stands, you all are forced to read this. Besides, since we all have to work together, you all may as well know where I come from, what I do, and why a UF cheerleader who loves to shop and tan would ever major in English Lit.

The literature that I absolutely love to read and analyze mostly comes from the Medival and Renaissance eras. Why? Because there are a number of things I love in the world, and some of the biggest things, such as religion and politics, are greatly represented in this era of literature. I struggle with religion because I have an unwavering belief in God (as I know Him), however, I was raised Catholic. I go to church with my father every Sunday to spend time with him and keep the family tradition alive, but my beliefs generally differ from what the Catholic church teaches. As far as government and politics go, I love studying and being active in the political world and U.S. politics in general. I believe we live in the most amazing country in the world but that our government no longer stands up for and practices the values outlined in our constitution. I plan on attending law school and getting my LLM (which is a masters degree in law) in International Law and going on to work in government and/or politics. Just like everyone else, I want to make a difference in this world and especially our amazing country; what I feel like sets me apart from everyone else is that I have the drive and ambition to do whatever it takes to get there.
I graduated in 2004 from Chamberlain High School in Tampa. Ever since I was little I wanted to be a Gator and remember the day I received my acceptance letter from UF as one of the best in my life. I became very active at UF, joining the cheerleading team, Delta Phi Epsilon, and student government, the pinnacle of which I was the Director of Solicitations on the cabinet, reporting directly to the vice president. I worked with local and national corporations, convincing them to advertise on campus and in UF publications in order to keep tuition costs down.

My D Phi E Family :)

The event that has changed my life the most is my mother's death in 2007. When she died, it made me shut down in many ways, and I had an extremely time accepting it, much less coping with it. I chose to take some time off from school and ultimately decided to move back home and transfer to USF. As much as I loved Gainesville and UF, I needed to be with my father and brother and long-time friends. My time at home has been well spent, and I am excited to be back in school.

Me and my flier after she assulated my leg (by accident of course).

In short, I have lived out some of my biggest dreams and I have suffered some really awful tragedies, but most important is the fact that I am still working towards my goals. I don't exactly fit the mold of most English majors but I love reading and writing and I hope to find great success in this class and the internship it comes with. After thinking about it, although it scares the crap out of me, the internship we now have to experience and put on our resumes is one that many people would die for, and I am going to make the most of it so that I can get the maximum out of it. I look forward to working with everyone and attending/orchestrating some really cool events together. Later this week I will be posting about our assigned reading... this post was mainly for me to learn how this works and introduce myself to everyone and now that I know how easy it is, I look forward to blogging in the future!


  1. My brother is in law school right now and he said that English would have been the best major to prepare you for law school(he majored in Poli Sci). Also, you may be interested in an organization called International Justice Mission Thanks for letting us know where you are coming from.

  2. Thanks for the link Charlotte, and yes, I have also heard that English is the best major to prepare for law school... it's all reading and writing and the LSAT is an english test!

  3. Your views on Smith's chapter regarding fear are very similar to mine. I like the analogy she makes in comparing fear with swimming laps. I face challenges that evoke fear on a daily basis, some on a larger scale than others. It's very easy to fold and give in. As a swimmer (I use this term generously as I just recently started swimming for fitness), I am well aware of how easy fear can swallow you up and convinve you to give in. Whether an aspiring artist or a stock broker on Wall Street, I think we all can agree that fear will meet us head on at every corner we take.

  4. Healing, reflection, and listening, good stuff
